Saturday, August 8, 2015

Walking on Sunshine

Something big happened this week that we have been waiting to see for a long time: Emmett started taking multiple unassisted steps! He has been transitioning between furniture or people for a while- just two or three unstable steps. However, this week, he has been taking 5-10 steps without lunging forward or holding on to anything! I actually missed the first time because he was in a separate therapy room, but I could tell by the sounds in the other room that he had done something impressive. Thankfully, he decided to show off more that evening and has continued to for the rest of the week.
Every time he accomplishes something big, it takes me a while to get used to it. I remember when he first started crawling, I would watch in amazement and almost disbelief for several weeks.
All of his doctors and therapists had assured me that Emmett would eventually walk, but we just didn't know when. It may be a while before he's able to walk very far or on uneven surfaces, but I don't mind waiting. I think I have watched the videos of him walking 50 times already! His steps are a bit awkward and calculated, but he is walking and it is beautiful.


  1. I know you dont update your blog anymore but I just wanted to say thank you for having put it together. My infant son was recently diagnosed with Xia-Gibbs. Your blog is one of the few things I can look at for reference. It's hard to be on this journey but you've humanized it so well. God bless.
