Monday, May 18, 2015

Big Brother Knows Best

Several weeks ago, I thought it might be fun to interview our older son, Corbin, to see what he had to say about Emmett. Corbin just turned five and was 25 months old when Emmett was born. He has been present at the majority of Emmett's therapy sessions and many of his doctor's appointments.
As you can imagine, the interview process was a bit silly, but I enjoyed hearing what he came up with and I am sure he will enjoy reading it, when he gets older. The questions are in red, Corbin's responses are in blue, and further explanations are in black

Emmett: According to Corbin:
Emmett's Favorite Color: Red and blue (first answer) green (second answer)
Favorite Drink: Milk and orange juice (Milk is his favorite. However, we rarely even have orange juice in the house)
Favorite Food: Macaroni and cheese (one of Corbin's favorites) Then, he came up with: cottage cheese, applesauce, and pear sauce (which was a little more on track)
Favorite Thing to Do: Go outside
Favorite Song: The Ants Go Marching (Corbin's favorite)
Favorite Toy: His stuffed dog (which is actually Corbin's latest obsession) Then, I reminded him we were talking about Emmett's favorite toy and he said, his musical drums
Emmett's Favorite Thing to Do: Watching me play games (on the phone or computer)
Favorite Book: The Very Hungry Caterpillar
Which one of Emmett's therapists do you like the best? His occupational therapist (he actually called her by name) and when I asked him why, he said "because she brings snacks" (Part of Emmett's OT includes feeding and she always brings a little extra to share with Corbin. For the record, he loves all of Emmett's therapists and they all try to include him as much as they can)
What does Emmett like to do with you? Bonk me in the head (I'm not sure where this answer came from, but he does occasionally like to pat Corbin's head like a drum)
Corbin's Favorite Thing to Do With Emmett: Play outside
Favorite Exercise to Do with Emmett: Karate chop (this one just made me laugh)
What do you remember about when Emmett was first born? I said, "Stand up!" (he probably doesn't actually remember this, but I have told him about it. When we first brought Emmett home from the hospital, Corbin walked over to him and said, "Stand up!")
How is Emmett different from other kids his age? He's weak (his muscles are weak) and he can't play (like other kids)
Why can't Emmett have water? Because it makes him choke (aspirate)
Why can't Emmett talk? His mouth is weak
What can Emmett do now that makes you proud? Crawl and walk (with help)
What does Emmett do that makes you crazy? Clap 
Does that make you crazy in a good way? Yes
What makes you crazy in a bad way? When he's sad
What does Emmett do that gets you excited? When he tries to jump with me
What do you do to make him laugh? Funny stuff (no one can make Emmett belly laugh like Corbin!)
What do you like to teach Emmett? To be bigger
What do you think he will be when he grows up? A police man like me
What show do you like to watch with Emmett? Paw Patrol

Although Corbin is only five, he knows a lot about his little brother. He knows all of Emmett's therapists by name and therapy type. He understands that Emmett is different from other children, but loves him for who he is and has a pretty good grasp of how low muscle tone affects him. He tells me if Emmett is going into the kitchen, so he doesn't fall and get hurt. He is also good about making sure that Emmett doesn't eat things he shouldn't and will even pry his little mouth open to retrieve something, if necessary.
Now that Emmett is getting close to walking, Corbin likes to take him by the hands and help him walk. He also truly gets excited when Emmett stands for several seconds or does something he has never done before.
I know that it must be hard to have a brother with special needs, but I am thankful that Corbin doesn't take it out on Emmett. Just the other day, I was busy making dinner and Emmett was having a snack that required me to spoon feed him. He was ready for more and Corbin said, "I can do it, Mommy." I thanked him for helping and he said, "That's what brothers do!"
I know that there are days that Corbin may feel a little overlooked, but it's moments like this that make me realize that it doesn't change how much he loves his little brother.

This made me think of Corbin and the love he has for Emmett!

I am one lucky mommy!