Saturday, February 28, 2015

Mr. Mischief

I first suspected that something was "off" with Emmett very early on. I remember telling my close friends that I was concerned because he didn't smile much and was not easily amused by things that most babies would love. It was too early to pinpoint developmental delays and many people said that he was just taking everything in and that he would be fine.
When he was diagnosed with low muscle tone, I began to understand why he was "the observer" and seemed more serious. As he became stronger and was able to do more, his personality began to come out more and more. It has been a slow process, but he is really starting to show his mischievous side.
A few weeks ago, we were playing outside and he had mittens on his hands. He loves chewing on things and managed to pull one of his mittens off with his teeth. Well, a few minutes later, he managed to pull the other one off, the same way. These are the pictures that I took and I think that it is very clear that he knew exactly what he did and that he is very proud of himself.

He isn't saying any words yet, but he will mimic kissing, laughing, and even coughing. He loves copying these sounds and loves to see our response when he does it.
He has great facial expressions and will look off to the side or flash a mischievous grin, when he is up to something or doesn't want to do something. He will also scrunch up his face in disgust or make an awful, throaty sound when he gets upset or mad.
These may seem like little things, but it shows me that he understands far more than he can express and that he is learning to communicate, even if it is only with a silly face, grin, or giggle. I love watching his personality unfold and look forward to seeing him get into more mischief. After all, that's what little boys are supposed to do!

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