Thursday, June 2, 2016

You Want Me to Eat What?

Over the past few months, Emmett has been doing better with a variety of foods. He has always liked to eat, but having low muscle tone and mild dysphagia makes it difficult for him to eat tougher meats, harder fruits and vegetables, and some crunchy foods. It wasn't until earlier this year, that we could actually order him a meal at a restaurant. However, things just got a little more complicated.
A while back, Emmett was tested for micronutrient deficiencies. The results from that led to a few more tests. His most recent test was for food intolerances and we just got the results. I had a feeling that they found something because the doctor wanted me to come in for a consult. Let's face it, no one ever gets called in for a consult for no reason! Unfortunately, we now have to cut several things out of his diet, including: gluten, dairy, wheat, soy, garlic, almonds, and eggs. His doctor explained that these foods may not be allowing important nutrients to absorb properly and may also be causing digestive issues and hindering his overall development.
As I looked over the chart, I was a bit overwhelmed and all I could think was: what is this kid going to eat? He loves grilled cheese sandwiches, quesadillas, graham crackers, egg salad, and cottage cheese. He drinks thickened almond milk every day.
I was thrilled to hear that he can still have yogurt because most of his other favorite foods have to be eliminated, at least for now. His doctor is hopeful that we will be able to reintroduce them slowly, but in the meantime, he can have soft meats, beans, rice, oats, corn, and most fruits and vegetables. At least we have options. It may require a little more money, research, and creativity, but Emmett will not starve!
On my way home from the appointment I stopped at the store and picked up a few things for Emmett to try. The gluten-free graham crackers and dairy-free cheese both passed the taste test, so that made me feel a little better.
However, I'm not looking forward to our next restaurant visit because if he sees a gooey, buttery, grilled cheese sandwich across the table and I hand him some dairy-free cheese and gluten-free crackers, there's a good chance that it's going to get ugly!

"Are you sure about this new diet, Mom?"
Emmett does try to eat sand, so gluten-free might not be so bad, after all.

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