Wednesday, April 1, 2015

How God Prepared Us for Emmett

When I used to think about getting married and having children, I never really considered the possibility of having a child with special needs. While I was pregnant, we never considered doing any extensive tests to determine if our unborn child would be born with anything out of the ordinary. We weren't oblivious to the possibility, it just didn't matter. No matter what child God gave us, it wouldn't change how much we loved it, so we chose not to do any testing. Standard prenatal screenings wouldn't have detected Emmett's syndrome anyway. A few months ago, I started thinking about how God prepared us for Emmett. The more I thought about it, the more I realized He had been preparing us for most of our lives.
Although my husband, Seth, and I had never met anyone with Xia-Gibbs Syndrome before Emmett's diagnosis, we did intimately know people who faced challenges in life and we loved them unconditionally. My first experience with someone who had a physical impairment was with my dad. He was severely injured in an accident as a toddler, which left him with only two fingers and a thumb. Although he may have looked strange to others, he was just my dad and he learned how to do just about anything, with very few limitations. I think that by seeing what my dad had overcome, it helped me realize that you shouldn't put limitations on people, regardless of their disability or diagnosis.
When I met Seth, I quickly learned that he had a twin brother, Nathan. He was mentally impaired and epileptic, as the result of a childhood illness. Although Nathan had his challenges, his family treated him as an equal and had high expectations of him. He was a hard worker and had a child-like spirit that could always brighten your day. I only knew Nathan for a short time before he passed away, but I am thankful that I got to know him and it gives me hope that Emmett will be happy and accomplish many things, even if it isn't what others perceive as normal. I truly believe that having Nathan as a part of the family, helped prepare us for Emmett.
I'm sure that my dad sometimes wondered why he had to lose his fingers and I know that Seth has wondered why his brother had to get sick. No one truly knows why these things happen, but I do know that these circumstances did help prepare us for our journey with Emmett.
I also often wonder why Emmett has Xia-Gibbs Syndrome, but I can't help but think that what we are going through now will help someone else along the way.

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